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Book Chapters


     Schmitt, N. & Celce-Murcia, M. (2020). An overview of applied linguistics. In Schmitt, N. (Ed.), An

     Introduction to Applied Linguistics. Routledge.


     VilkaitÄ—-LozdienÄ—, L. & Schmitt, N. (2020). Frequency as a guide for vocabulary usefulness: Hi-, mid-,

     and low-frequency words. In Webb, S. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Students. Routledge.


     Gyllstad, H. & Schmitt, N. (2019). Testing Formulaic Language. In Siyanova-Chanturia, A. & Pellicer-

     Sanchez, A. (Eds.), Understanding Formulaic Language. Routledge.


      Barclay, S. & Schmitt, N. (2019).  Current perspectives on vocabulary teaching and learning. In

     Gao, X. (Ed.), Second Handbook of Second Language Teaching.  Springer.


      Schmitt, N., Sonbul, S., VilkaitÄ—-LozdienÄ—, L., & Macis, M. (2019). Formulaic language and collocations. In

     Chapelle, C. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. John Wiley & Sons.


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    Kremmel, B. & Schmitt, N. (2018). Vocabulary Levels Test. In Liontas, J. (Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley-Blackwell.


     Macis, M., Garnier, M., VilkaitÄ—, L., & Schmitt, N. (2018). Expertise in Second Language Vocabulary. In

     Anders Ericsson, K., Hoffman, R.R., Kozbelt, A., & Williams, A.M. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of

     Expertise and Expert Perfomrance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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    González Fernández, B. & Schmitt, N. (2017). Vocabulary acquisition. In Loewen, S. & Sato, M. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Instructed SLA. pp. 280-298. New York: Routledge.


     Martinez, R. and Schmitt, N. (2015). Vocabulary. In Biber, D. and Reppen, R. (Eds.), Cambridge

     Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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    Verspoor, M. and Schmitt, N. (2013). Language and the Lexicon in SLA. In Robinson, P. (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of SLA. New York: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.


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    Schmitt, N. (2012). Formulaic language and collocation. In Chapelle, C.A. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.


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    Barcroft, J., Sunderman, G., and Schmitt, N. (2011). Lexis. In The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Routledge.


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    Schmitt, N. and Redwood, S. (2011). Learner knowledge of phrasal verbs: A corpus-informed study. In Meunier F., De Cock S., Gilquin G. and Paquot M. (eds.), A Taste for Corpora. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


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    Schmitt, N. (2010). Key issues in teaching and learning vocabulary. In Chacón-Beltrán, R., Abello-Contesse, C., and Torreblanca-López, M. (eds.), Insights into Non-native Vocabulary Teaching and Learning. Multilingual Matters.


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    Li, J. and Schmitt, N. (2010). The development of collocation use in academic texts by advanced L2 learners: A multiple case-study approach. In Wood, D. (ed.), Perspectives on Formulaic Language: Acquisition and Communication. London: Continuum Press.


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    Jones, M. and Schmitt, N. (2010). Developing materials for discipline-specific vocabulary and phrases in academic seminars. In Harwood, N. (ed.), English Language Teaching Materials. Cambridge University Press.


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    Kuiper, K., Columbus, G., and Schmitt, N. (2009). The acquisition of phrasal vocabulary. In Foster-Cohen, S. (ed.), Language Acquisition. Palgrave Macmillan.


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    Schmitt, N. (2007). Current trends in vocabulary learning and teaching. Cummins, J. and Davison, C. (eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Teaching, Vol. 2. Springer.


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    Adolphs, S. and Schmitt, N. (2004). Vocabulary coverage according to spoken discourse context. In Bogaards, P. and Laufer, B. (eds.), Vocabulary in a Second Language. John Benjamins Press.


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    Schmitt, N. and Carter, R. (2004). Formulaic sequences in action: An introduction. In Schmitt, N. (ed.), Formulaic Sequences: Acquisition, Processing, and Use. John Benjamins Press.


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    Schmitt, N. Dörnyei, Z., Adolphs, S., and Durow, V. Knowledge and acquisition of formulaic sequences: A longitudinal study. In Schmitt, N. (ed.), Formulaic Sequences: Acquisition, Processing, and Use. John Benjamins Press.


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    Underwood, G., Schmitt, N. and Galpin, A. (2004). The eyes have it: An eye-movement study into the processing of formulaic sequences. In Schmitt, N. (ed.), Formulaic Sequences: Acquisition, Processing, and Use. John Benjamins Press.


  • Schmitt, N. and Underwood, G. (2004). Exploring the processing of formulaic sequences through a self-paced reading task. In Schmitt, N. (ed.), Formulaic Sequences: Acquisition, Processing, and Use. John Benjamins Press.


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    Schmitt, N., Grandage, S., and Adolphs, S. (2004). Are corpus-derived recurrent clusters psycholinguistically valid? In Schmitt, N. (ed.), Formulaic Sequences: Acquisition, Processing, and Use. John Benjamins Press.


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    Schmitt, N. and Celce-Murcia, M. (2002). An overview of applied linguistics. In Schmitt, N. (ed.), An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. Arnold Press.


     Schmitt, N. (2002). Using corpora to teach and assess vocabulary. Tan, M. (ed.), Corpus Studies in

     Language Education. IELE Press.


     Schmitt, N. (2001). Using a word knowledge framework to analyze vocabulary tests and activities. In

     Fernández, F. (ed.), Los Estudios Ingleses. Studies in English Language and Literature, Vol. 3.


     Schmitt, N. (2000). Issues in the emerging area of vocabulary learning strategies. In Arabski, J. (ed.),

     Studies in Foreign Language Acquisition and Teaching. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego.


     Carter, R.A. and Schmitt, N. (1999). Dictionaries for language learners. In Spolsky, B. (ed.), Concise

     Encyclopedia of Educational Linguistics. Pergamon.


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    Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. and McCarthy, M. (eds.), Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition, and Pedagogy. Cambridge University Press.


     Schmitt, N. (1996). An examination of the behaviour of four vocabulary tests. Allan, D. (ed.), Entry

     Points.  IATEFL.


     Schmitt, N. (1994). "Collocation bingo", "More than meaning", and "Word building word family practice".

     In Nation, P. (ed.), New Ways in Teaching Vocabulary. TESOL.


     Schmitt, D. and Schmitt, N. (1992). Teaching suprasegmentals. In Tatsuki, D.H., Schmitt, D. Schmitt, N.,

     Smith, C., Evans, B., Kirchner, T., and Schaefer, K. (eds.), The Communicative Teaching of

     Pronunciation. Temple University Japan Studies in Applied Linguistics, Volume IX, Number 1.


     Schmitt, N. (1992). "Sound system consciousness-raising for beginning learners" and "Pronunciation

     bingo". In Tatsuki, D.H., Schmitt, D. Schmitt, N., Smith, C., Evans, B., Kirchner, T., and Schaefer, K.

     (eds.), The Communicative Teaching of Pronunciation. Temple University Japan Studies in Applied

     Linguistics, Volume IX, Number 1.


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